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Mrs. Rubaba Islam Sabed (Milia)

It is a great honour and privilege to be able to serve my community through the Bangladesh Language & Cultural Foundation, Bangla School.

It has been 25 years since BLCF was established.
We had a humble beginning with only 15 students and now the number is more than 197.

BLCF has two centres :

one in Zhangde Primary School at 51 Jalan Membina, Singapore 169485 and

other in Xingnan Primary School.at 5 Jurong West Street 91, Singapore 649036

Bangla is one of the Non Tamil Indian Languages in Singapore. Other NTIL languages are Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi & Urdu. We work directly with BTTSAL, which is the Board for the Teaching & Testing of South Asian Languages. All these five NTIL languages have a common curriculum in their own languages which have been developed by the Mother Tongue specialists of the Board and the language teachers of the five languages.

BLCF only permits admittance to those students who have obtained mother tongue approval letters from the Ministry of Education, Singapore and are going to local schools from Primary 1 to A’Levels. Our teaching team is highly qualified, trained and experienced. We are proud to say that our students’ National Exam results are typically very good.

Our students’  PSLE results help them to get admitted to the best Secondary schools in Singapore and their GCE O & A’ Level results are also highly commendable. Not surprisingly, these students are getting admitted to the best universities in Singapore and go on to establish themselves as lawyers, bankers, engineers, and entrepreneurs.
Our Teachers are dedicated, patient and friendly. They try their best to help the students perform and excel and always make themselves available to help.

Our two Vice Principals, Ms Laila Bilkis Hoque and Ms Sultana Chowdhury also help me with the school’s ever increasing administrative tasks and provide constant guidance to the teachers. BLCF guides its students to not only persevere academically but also to cultivate other lifelong skills.

The students are encouraged to take part in cultural activities such as poetry recitation, drama, singing, dancing and other performing arts besides their academic curriculum.
Our Parents are enthusiastic and are always encouraging their children to embrace their rich cultural traditions. BLCF gets tremendous support from its parents and is very grateful to them for it.  With the support of our Management Committee, parents, teachers and students, BLCF is doing remarkably well and we are all motivated to take this organisation to a greater height.

Warm regards,

Rubaba Islam Sabed